In typical japanese-shogun-flic style, you are the last living member
of your clan after they were brutally slaughtered by the bad guys. So now,
you seek to exact revenge. Pretty neat, huh
This game was released in 1987 for the Commodore 64, but was quickly ported
to the up and coming game platform, the IBM-clone. This game supports CGA,
EGA, and Tandy 16 color graphics. There is joystick support ( and I recommend
it ), but you can also use the keypad.
I guess I'll describe the keyboard usage ( The joystick is almost the same.
Whenever I reference the Shift key, it's the same as the joystick button.):
7 8 9 1,3,7,9 Movement along the path (diagonal)
\ | / 2,4,6,8 "Precise Positioning"
5 Stop Moving
4 - 5 - 6
/ | \
1 2 3
Note: movement is relative to your facing.
( if a weapon heading does not use all keypad directions, see the section on
Fighting Without a Weapon.)
Without a Weapon
Shift + 1/3/7/9 Duck under a blow
Shift + 4/6/8 Various punches
Shift + 2 Kick
With Sword or Staff
Shift + 6 Stab opponent's torso (ouch !)
Shift + 8 Stab opponent's head
Shift + 4 Slash
Shift + 1/3/7/9 Block
With Nunchakas
Shift + 1/3/7/9 Block
Shift + 6 Strike opponent's head
Shift + 4 Slash
With Smoke Bomb or Shuriken
Shift + 4 Throw item
This is a REALLY over-emphasized skill you need to know in the game.
There are sections that can only be passed by balancing precariously over a
steaming lava flow or a raging river.
*There are three distances you can jump: long, moderate, and short.
*For all jumps, you should be moving in the direction you wish to go.
*All jump button combinations depend on the direction you're facing.
Long Shift + 8/2
Moderate Shift + 7/9/1/3
Short Shift + 6/4
Picking Up Objects
When you enter a screen on which an object you need is located, it
will flash white. IMPORTANT: To avoid as much frustration as possible, make
sure you're precisely next to the object.
Once you're facing the object:
Press Shift + 1/3/7/9 (same as ducking/blocking)
You cannot have a weapon out while you do this. (so make sure that you
kill the enemies on the screen before you try to pick something up
And finally,
Game Commands
Pause ESC
Save ALT + F1 ( you can only save one game )
Restore ALT + F5
Quit ALT + F10
Enjoy the game.
Сейчас ежедневно выходят на свет десятки новых игр. Графика все тоньше и детальнее, сюжеты и персонажи все более и более реалистичны. Вокруг сплошное 3-D, наворот, торжество технологий...
Так почему же, покупая новый диск, все чаще прячешь его после первых минут игры обратно в глянцевую и такую привлекательную коробку?
Не приносит удовольствия? Откуда берется эта тоска и усталость?
Почему вспоминаешь те времена 10-15 лет назад, когда с огнем в глазах и полетом в душе несчитанный раз проходил невзрачный арканоид, давно осыпавшийся с ветхой пятидюймовой дискеты...
Но не все потеряно!
Вам дается новый шанс!
Испытайте себя. Вы снова молоды, чисты в желаниях, побуждениях и азарте...
Здесь Вы найдете то, что, быть может, в глубине души искали уже много лет...свою первую любимую игрушку.